Mobile Phone Photography Tips

Mobile Phone Photography

A smart phone is a very useful tool for visual art and photography. Being a photographer I always prefer to capture all the moments in my camera but its not possible every time to carry a camera with me or set a camera in front of the subject. So I picked up my smart phone to prevent these types of odd situations.
A smart phone is handy, user friendly and has a camera and it does not alert subject that you are taking his/her photograph. you can click any where any time.

No matter if you have a phone camera below 2 megapixel. All you need a creative mind and a subject.
Few tips on mobile phone photography :
  1. Get close to your subject – This will help you to get high resolution image from your mobile camera and you can feel the moment that can actually help you to get a storytelling image.
  2. Avoid using digital zoom – Zooming on mobile phone camera can ruin your pictures. This will decrease the image quality . Use your feet to zoom in.
  3. Use the exposure balance and white balance –  These are the amazing tools. Almost every mobile phone have these tools. You can experiment with the exposure and white balance to get more creative image
  4. Experiment with changing angels – Experiment as much as you can with different angles. Try low , high , diagonal and many more angles. These will helps you a lot to get creative image.
  5. Follow the rules of compositions – Try to compose your pictures following the rules of composition like rule of third , balancing etc. to get dramatic images .

(All these pictures are taken by Suvrajit Dutta)
